Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Nothing to see here...

I tend to be the manners police around our house and I don't really understand why. Yeah I get the irony too but I am a certified, tattoo sleeved member of Miss Manner's sinister six club. I suspect if word got out of what I used to do before, during and after shows, Miss M would point at the door and hang her head in shame after politely asking me to leave.
And it's not an admirable quality, it's not something I even like about myself. I ask for a lot of pleases and thank-yous but my particular milieu is excuse me. These are the things that I think, no parent likes about themselves. You can actually stand back and listen to yourself and think, "I have just crossed that invisible line, I have just become my mother." Now here's the real dichotomy of it all... I AM A GUY...I revel in bodily functions and I have been know to compliment the children on their abilities to vibrate the sound sphere with a good raucous belch or float an air biscuit that has the staying power Time magazine.
One day Izzy let one screech out with such force and volume, I swear the windows actually rattled. Inside I was bursting with pride, as only a father could be at a bottom burp of that magnitude.
"What do you say?" I asked, chuckling a bit.
She thought about it carefully and said,
"I would say, nothing to see here and just keep moving."


  1. Classic, hope fer yer sake she never figures out how funny it is to let the THUNDER FROM DOWN-UNDER fly in public and blame you.

  2. Great work! Keep going!
    Auntie Val
